Model 480i Broadsoft Admin Guide
Setting Parameters through Configuration Files
Parameter – tftp server ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List,
the Aastra 480i web client or through the
conÞguration Þles
Description The TFTP server’s IP address. If DHCP is
enabled and the DHCP server provides the
information, this Þeld is automatically
populated. Use this parameter to change the
IP address of the TFTP server. This will
become effective after this conÞguration Þle
has been downloaded into the phone.
Format IP address
Default Value
Range Not Applicable
Example tftp server:
Parameter – sip rtp port ConÞgurable through the conÞguration
Þles only
Description Indicates the port through which the RTP
packets will be sent to. The RTP port is used
for sending DTMF tones and for the audio
stream. Your network administrator may
close some ports for security reasons. You
may want to use this parameter to send RTP
data using a different port.
Format IP address
Default Value 3000
Range Not Applicable
Example sip rtp port: 5130
Parameter –
sip silence suppression
ConÞgurable through the conÞguration
Þles only
Description Enables or disables SIP silence suppression.
Use "0" to disable, "1" to enable, and "2" to
use the default setting.
Format Integer
Default Value 2
Range 0 - 2
Example sip silence suppression: 2