Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 2 Alarm Troubleshooting
Step 5 Click Apply.
Step 6 If the condition does not clear after the user verifies that the provisioned line type matches the expected
incoming signal, use an optical test set to verify that the actual signal coming into the node matches the
expected incoming signal. For specific procedures to use the test set equipment, consult the
Step 7 If the condition does not clear, log into the Technical Support Website at
http://www.cisco.com/techsupport for more information or call Cisco TAC (1-800-553-2447).
Default Severity: Minor (MN), Non-Service Affecting (NSA)
SONET Logical Object: NE
The Duplicate IP Address alarm indicates that the alarmed node IP address is already in use within the
same DCC area. When this happens, CTC no longer reliably connects to either node. Depending on how
the packets are routed, CTC could connect to either node (having the same IP address). If CTC has
connected to both nodes before they shared the same address, it has two distinct NodeModel instances
(keyed by the node ID portion of the MAC address).
Clear the DUP-IPADDR Alarm
Step 1 Isolate the alarmed node from the other node having the same address by completing the following steps:
a. Connect to the alarmed node using the Craft port on the chassis.
b. Begin a CTC session.
c. In the login dialog box, uncheck the Network Discovery check box.
Step 2 In node view, click the Provisioning > Network > General tabs.
Step 3 In the IP Address field, change the IP address to a unique number.
Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Restart any CTC sessions that are logged into either of the formerly duplicated node IDs. (For
procedures to log in or log out, refer to the “Set Up PC and Log Into the GUI” chapter in the
Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Procedure Guide.)
Step 6 If the alarm does not clear, log into the Technical Support Website at http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
for more information or call Cisco TAC (1-800-553-2447).
Default Severity: Minor (MN), Non-Service-Affecting (NSA)
SONET Logical Object: NE
The Duplicate Node Name alarm indicates that the alarmed node alphanumeric name is already being
used within the same DCC area.