Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 1 General Troubleshooting
1.4.2 WBE-28/WBE-84 Inhibit FEAC Loopback
1.4.2 WBE-28/WBE-84 Inhibit FEAC Loopback
WBE-28/WBE-84 DS3 ports initiate loopbacks when they receive FEAC line loop codes. If the Inhibit
FE Lbk check box is checked for a DS3 port, that port ignores any FEAC line loop codes it receives and
will not loop back (return them). If you inhibit a DS3 port's far end loopback response, this DS3 port is
not restricted from terminal or facility loopbacks.
1.4.3 FEAC Alarms
When an ONS 15310MA - WBE-28/WBE-84 DS3 port receives an activation code for a FEAC loopback,
it raises the “Clear the LPBKDS3FEAC Condition” condition on page 2-101. The condition clears when
the port receives the command to deactivate the FEAC loopback. If a node sends a FEAC loopback
command to the far end, the sending node raises a “LPBKDS3FEAC-CMD” condition on page 2-101 for
the near-end port.
1.5 Troubleshooting WBE-28 and WBE-84 Cards with Far End
Loopcodes on DS1 Ports
WBE Cards support Far End Loopcodes when the DS1 port is operating in ESF Framing mode. Click
the WBE-28/WBE-84 Maintenance->DS1 tab to reveal additional columns, namely , "Inhibit FE Lbk"
and "Send Code". Here we are using the term FE Loopcodes instead of FEAC in DS1, since DS1 supports
only Far End Loopcodes, but NOT Alarms.
Figure 1-3 Accessing Far End troubleshooting Functions on the WBE Cards