Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 2 Alarm Troubleshooting
Default Severity: Not Alarmed (NA), Non-Service-Affecting (NSA)
SONET Logical Object: OCN
The Ring is Squelching STS traffic condition is raised on an OC-N facility. If the node failure scenario
includes the source or destination node, then switching nodes squelches all the STS which originate from
or destinate to the failure node. The condition resolves when the node is no longer failing.
This condition is raised as NA severity by default. However, it indicates that traffic is squelched due to
node failure, that is, traffic outage. Traffic outage can be caused by different problems, such as multiple
LOS alarms, AIS-L, or node power outage. STS-SQUELCH-L is symptomatic and indicates that the user
must investigate which node in a ring is being isolated and what causes node isolation.
Note STS-SQUELCH-L is an informational condition.
The SW-MISMATCH condition alarm is not used in the ONS 15310 platforms in this release. It is
reserved for development.
Default Severity: Critical (CR), Service-Affecting (SA) for ONS 15310-MA
SONET Logical Object: EQPT
The Switching Matrix Module Failure on Protect Slot alarm is raised by the Slot 4 CTX2500 card if this
card is active (ACT). SWMTXMOD-PROT occurs when a logic component internal to the is out of frame
(OOF) with a traffic card in the system. In this case, the alarm is raised against the traffic card slot.
Clear the SWMTXMOD-PROT Alarm
Step 1 Complete the “Soft- or Hard-Reset a Controller Card” procedure on page 2-153 procedure for the Slot 4
card. For the LED behavior, see the “2.9.2 Typical Card LED Activity During Reset” section on
page 2-147.
Step 2 Verify that the reset is complete and error-free and that no new related alarms appear in CTC. A green
ACT/SBY LED indicates an active card. An amber ACT/SBY LED indicates a standby card.
Step 3 If the alarm does not clear, complete the “Remove and Reinsert (Reseat) a Card” section on page 2-154
procedure for the Slot 4 controller card.
Step 4 If the alarm does not clear, log into the Technical Support Website at http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
for more information or call Cisco TAC (1 800 553-2447) in order to report a Service-Affecting (SA)