Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 1 General Troubleshooting
1.2.3 Perform a Terminal Loopback on a Destination-Node Port
e. In the Circuit Source dialog box, fill in the source Node, Slot, Port, and Type where the test set is
connected and click Next.
f. In the Circuit Destination dialog box, fill in the destination Node, Slot, Port, and Type (the electrical
port in the destination node) and click Finish.
Step 4 Confirm that the newly created circuit appears on the Circuits tab list as a two-way circuit.
Note Loopbacks operate only on ports in the OOS,MT administrative state.
Note It is normal for a 2.7.160 LPBKTERMINAL (DS1, DS3) or 2.7.161 LPBKTERMINAL (EC1)
condition to appear during a loopback setup. The condition clears when you remove the
Step 5 Create the terminal loopback on the destination port being tested:
a. Go to the node view of the destination node:
• From the View menu, choose Go To Other Node.
• Choose the node from the drop-down list in the Select Node dialog box and click OK.
b. In node view, double-click the destination node (ONS 15310-CL or ONS 15310-MA).
c. Double-click the correct card, then click the appropriate following tabs:
• Maintenance > DS1 > Loopback
• Maintenance > DS3 > Loopback
• Maintenance > EC1 > Loopback
d. Select OOS,MT from the Admin State column.
e. Select Terminal from the Loopback Type column.
f. Click Apply.
g. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
Step 6 Continue with the “Test the Terminal Loopback Circuit on the Destination-Node Port” procedure on
page 1-9.
Test the Terminal Loopback Circuit on the Destination-Node Port
Step 1 If the test set is not already sending traffic, send test-set traffic on the loopback circuit.
Step 2 Examine the test traffic being received by the test set. Look for errors or any other signal information
that the test set is capable of indicating.