Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 4 Error Messages
EID-3383 GFP Buffers Available must be between {0} and {1} and may
be increased in increments of {2}.
The GFP buffers must be in the specified
range. This can incremented by the
specified value.
WID-3384 You are about to force the use of Secure Mode for this chassis.
You will not be able to undo this operation. OK to continue?
Refer to the warning message text.
EID-3385 {0}. Delete circuits, then try again. Refer to the error message text.
EID-3386 Unable to provision transponder mode:
The specified transponder mode canot be
EID-3387 You must change port{0} to an out-of-service state before
changing card parameters. Click Reset to revert the changes.
All the card ports should be changed to
out-of-service before changing the
EID-3388 Unable to change the card mode because the card has circuits. Refer to the error message text.
EID-3389 Error encountered while changing the card mode. Refer to the error message text.
EID-3390 Port is in use. Refer to the error message text.
EID-3391 Unable to change the port rate because the port has been
You cannot change the port rate of a card
that has been deleted.
WID-3392 Could not assign timing reference(s) because - with external
timing, only a single protected, or two unprotected timing
references per BITS Out may be selected. Please use the
“Reset” button and verify the settings.
Refer to the warning message text.
WID-3393 Could not assign timing reference(s) because - with line or
mixed timing, only a single unprotected timing reference per
BITS Out may be selected. Please use the “Reset” button and
verify the settings.
Refer to the warning message text.
EID-3394 Error refreshing Power Monitoring values. Refer to the error message text.
EID-3395 Invalid Configuration: {0} CTC encountered an error in IP address, net
mask length, or default router, or a
restricted IIOP port was selected.
EID-3396 Invalid Configuration: The standby controller card is not a
TCC2P card.
The standby controller card should be a
TCC2P card.
EID-3397 Wrong version for file {0}. The specified file is of wrong version.
EID-3398 Cannot delete PPM. Refer to the error message text.
EID-3399 Cannot delete PPM. It has port(s) in use. Remove the ports coonected to the
Pluggable Port Module before it can be
EID-3400 Unable to switch, force to Primary Facility not allowed. Refer to the error message text.
EID-3401 {0} cannot be provisioned for the port while {1} is enabled. The relationship between parameters {0}
and {1} are such that enabling either one,
prevents the provisioning of the other.
Table 4-1 Error Messages (continued)
Error Warning
ID Error Warning Message Description