Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 1 General Troubleshooting
1.9.3 Browser Stalls When Downloading CTC JAR Files from port
Step 4 Click the Environment Variables button to open the Environment Variables window.
Step 5 Click the New button under the System variables field.
Step 6 Type CTC_HEAP in the Variable Name field.
Step 7 Type 512 in the Variable Value field, and then click the OK button to create the variable.
Step 8 Again, click the New button under the System variables field.
Step 9 Type CTC_MAX_PERM_SIZE_HEAP in the Variable Name field.
Step 10 Type 128 in the Variable Value field, and then click the OK button to create the variable.
Step 11 Click the OK button in the Environment Variables window to accept the changes.
Step 12 Click the OK button in the System Properties window to accept the changes.
Set the CTC_HEAP and CTC_MAX_PERM_SIZE_HEAP Environment Variables for Solaris
Step 1 From the user shell window, kill any CTC sessions and broswer applications.
Step 2 In the user shell window, set the environment variables to increase the heap size.
The following example shows how to set the environment variables in the C shell:
% setenv CTC_HEAP 512
1.9.3 Browser Stalls When Downloading CTC JAR Files from port
Symptom The browser stalls or hangs when downloading a CTC Java archive (JAR) file from the port.
Table 1-8 describes the potential cause of the symptom and the solution.
Table 1-8 Browser Stalls When Downloading JAR File from Port
Possible Problem Solution
McAfee VirusScan
software might be
interfering with the
operation. The problem
occurs when the
VirusScan Download
Scan is enabled on
McAfee VirusScan 4.5
or later.
Disable the VirusScan Download Scan feature. See the “Disable the
VirusScan Download Scan” procedure on page 1-54.