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Statistics registers
www.digiembedded.com 307
Receive jabber
counter (A060
Incremented for frames received that exceed 1518 bytes (non-VLAN) or 1522 bytes
(VLAN) and contain an invalid FCS, including alignment errors. This counter does not
increment when a packet is truncated to 1518 (non-VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN) bytes by
Transmit statistics
counters address
Transmit byte
counter (A060
Incremented by the number of bytes that were put on the wire, including fragments
of frames that were involved with collisions. This count does not include
preamble/SFD or jam bytes.
D31:12 R Reset = Read as 0 Reserved
D11:00 R/W Reset = 0x000 RJBR
Address Register Transmit counters R/W
A060_06E0 TBYT Transmit byte counter R/W
A060_06E4 TPKT Transmit packet counter R/W
A060_06E8 TMCA Transmit multicast packet counter R/W
A060_06EC TBCA Transmit broadcast packet counter R/W
A060_06F0 Reserved N/A N/A
A060_06F4 TDFR Transmit deferral packet counter R/W
A060_06F8 TEDF Transmit excessive deferral packet counter R/W
A060_06FC TSCL Transmit single collision packet counter R/W
A060_0700 TMCL Transmit multiple collision packet counter R/W
A060_0704 TLCL Transmit late collision packet counter R/W
A060_0708 TXCL Transmit excessive collision packet counter R/W
A060_070C TNCL Transmit total collision counter R/W
A060_0710 Reserved N/A N/A
A060_0714 Reserved N/A N/A
A060_0718 TJBR Transmit jabber frame counter R/W
A060_071C TFCS Transmit FCS error counter R/W
A060_0720 Reserved N/A N/A
A060_0724 TOVR Transmit oversize frame counter R/W
A060_0728 TUND Transmit undersize frame counter R/W
A060_072C TFRG Transmit fragments frame counter R/W
D31:24 R Reset = Read as 0 Reserved
D23:00 R/W Reset = 0x000000 TBYT