Ethernet Interrupt Status register
318 Hardware Reference NS9215
D21 R/C RXDONEB 0 Assigned to RX interrupt.
Complete receive frame stored in pool B of system
D20 R/C RXDONEC 0 Assigned to RX interrupt.
Complete receive frame stored in pool C of system
D19 R/C RXDONED 0 Assigned to RX interrupt.
Complete receive frame stored in pool D of system
D18 R/C RXNOBUF 0 Assigned to RX interrupt.
No buffer is available for this frame due to one of
these conditions:
All four buffer rings being disabled
All four buffer rings being full
No available buffer big enough for the frame
D17 R/C RXBUFFUL 0 Assigned to RX interrupt.
No buffer is available for this frame because all four
buffer rings are disabled or full.
D16 R/C RXBR 0 Assigned to RX interrupt.
New frame available in the RX_FIFO. This bit is
used for diagnostics.
D15:07 N/A Reserved N/A N/A
D06 R/C STOVFL 0 Assigned to TX interrupt.
Statistics counter overflow. Individual counters can
be masked using the Carry Register 1 and 2 Mask
registers. The source of this interrupt is cleared by
clearing the counter that overflowed, and by clearing
the associated carry bit in either Carry Register 1 or
Carry Register 2 by writing a 1 to the bit.
D05 R Not used 0 Always write as 0.
D04 R/C TXBUFC 0 Assigned to TX interrupt.
I bit set in the Transmit Buffer Descriptor and buffer
D03 R/C TXBUFNR 0 Assigned to TX interrupt.
F bit not set in the Transmit Buffer Descriptor when
read from the TX Buffer descriptor RAM.
D02 R/C TXDONE 0 Assigned to TX interrupt.
Frame transmission complete.
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description