Interrupt Status register
442 Hardware Reference NS9215
Use the Interrupt Enable register to enable interrupt generation on specific events.
Enable the interrupt by writing a 1 to the appropriate bit field(s).
Register bit
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Interrupt Status register
Address: 9003_1024
The Interrupt Status register provides status about SPI events. All events are
indicated by reading a 1 and are cleared by writing a 1.
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Not used
Not used
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
D31:02 R/W Not used 0 Write this field to 0.
D01 R/W TX_IDLE 0 Enable transmit idle
Enables interrupt generation whenever the transmitter
moves from the active state to the idle state.
In master mode, this indicates that the transmit FIFO
is empty and that the transmitter is not actively
shifting out data.
In slave mode, this indicates that the externally
provided chip select has been deasserted.
D00 R/W RX_IDLE 0 Enable receive idle
Enables interrupt generation whenever the receiver moves
from the active state to the idle state. In either master or
slave mode, this indicates that the chip select signal has
been deasserted.