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Sample hash table code
www.digiembedded.com 337
* Return Values:
* bit position to set in hash table
#define POLYNOMIAL 0x4c11db6L
static int calculate_hash_bit (BYTE *mca)
WORD32 crc;
WORD16 *mcap, bp, bx;
int result, index, mca_word, bit_index;
BYTE lsb;
WORD16 copy_mca[3]
memcpy (copy_mca,mca,sizeof(copy_mca));
for (index = 0; index < 3; index++)
copy_mca [index] = SWAP16 (copy_mca [index]);
mcap = copy_mca;
crc = 0xffffffffL;
for (mca_word = 0; mca_word < 3; mca_word++)
bp = *mcap;
for (bit_index = 0; bit_index < 16; bit_index++)
bx = (WORD16) (crc >> 16); /* get high word of crc*/
bx = rotate (bx, LEFT, 1); /* bit 31 to lsb*/
bx ^= bp; /* combine with incoming*/
crc <<= 1; /* shift crc left 1 bit*/
bx &= 1; /* get control bit*/
if (bx) /* if bit set*/
crc ^= POLYNOMIAL; /* xero crc with polynomial*/
crc |= bx: /* or in control bit*/