DMA controller
366 Hardware Reference NS9215 31 March 2008
For transmit channels. CPU sets the F bit after the data is written to a buffer.
The DMA controller clears this bit as each buffer is read from external memory.
If the DMA controller ever finds that this bit is not set when the buffer
descriptor is read, the NRIP bit is set in the Interrupt Status register and the
DMA controller stops immediately and goes to the ERROR state. The CPU must
clear the CE bit to restore the DMA.
For receive channels, hardware sets the F bit after data is written to a buffer.
The CPU must clear the F bit after all data has been read from the buffer. If
the DMA controller ever finds that this bit is not clear when the buffer
descriptor is read, the NRIP bit is set in the Interrupt Status register and the
DMA controller stops immediately.
The DMA controller must be soft reset after the buffer descriptor problem
has been solved.
Control[11:0] These bits are not used.
Status[15:0] The status depends on the module, as defined in the next tables.
In direct mode, the status can be read from the Direct Mode RX Status FIFO.
Bits Description
15:7 Reserved
6:5 01 Error; bits 3:0 indicate the error type
bit 4: Reserved
bit 3: Receiver overflow, should never occur in a properly configured system
bit 2: Parity error
bit 1: Framing error
bit 0: Break condition