TX Buffer Descriptor Pointer register
320 Hardware Reference NS9215
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TX Buffer Descriptor Pointer register
Address: A060 0A18
Register bit
D16 R/W EN_RXBR 0 Enable the RXBR interrupt bit.
D15:07 N/A Reserved N/A N/A
D06 R/W EN_STOVFL 0 Enable the STOVFL interrupt bit.
D05 R/W Not used 0 Always write as 0.
D04 R/W EN_TXBUFC 0 Enable the TXBUFC interrupt bit.
D03 R/W EN_TXBUFNR 0 Enable the TXBUFNR interrupt bit.
D02 R/W EN_TXDONE 0 Enable the TXDONE interrupt bit.
D01 R/W EN_TXERR 0 Enable the TXERR interrupt bit.
D00 R/W EN_TXIDLE 0 Enable the TXIDLE interrupt bit.
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
13121110987654321015 14
31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 1630
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
D31:08 N/A Reserved N/A N/A
D07:00 R/W TXPTR 0x00 Contains a pointer to the initial transmit buffer descriptor
in the TX buffer descriptor RAM.
Note: This pointer is the 8-bit physical address of the
TX buffer descriptor RAM, and points to the
first location of the four-location buffer
descriptor. The byte offset of this buffer
descriptor can be calculated by multiplying this
value by 4.