Turbo grill
Forhigh roastssuchas porkloin,leg orpoultryitisadvi-
sable to select the function turbo grill with temperature
settings of about 150 to 190
The infra--red grill operates along with the fan. In this
way,notonly thesurfaceof thegrillfood isbrownedand
grilled, but the grill heat is led intensively to all sides of
the grill food.
Insert the drip pan into runner level 1 or 2 and the wire
shelf with the grilling food into the runner above.
Roasting with
hot-air and top-/bottom heat
The length of roasting time depends on the kind of
kon per cm height of meat:
beef, game 14 -- 17 minutes
pork, veal 14 -- 17 minutes
fillet, roastbeef 10 -- 12 minutes.
The higher the roast is, the lower the temperature
needs to be.
The doneness can be checked by pressing the meat
down with a spoon. If the roast does not give way, it is
After switch--off leave the roast for another 10 minutes
inthe ovensothat nojuicewill berunningout,whenyou
cut the roast.
Roasting on the wire shelf
Placeroast onwireshelf withits servingside turnedup-
ward. Insert baking sheet into runner 1 and the wire
shelf directly above it onto the runner.
Roasting in the pan
Put lean meat, game or meat loaf directly into the drip
pan or in a vessel onto the wire shelf. Put short--roasts
on a sheet into the oven.
In case there is need for a roasting time of more than
an hour, put the ingredients for the gravy into the pan
only half an hour before the end of cooking time, have
them browned and fill in a little hot water.
Using runner levels on baking and
Depending onthe food withthe hot-airfunction youcan
use up to 3 runner levels. We recommend:
1 baking sheet: runner 2 or 3
2 baking sheets: runners 1+3 or 2+4
3 baking sheets: runners 1, 3 and 5
1--2 high moulds side by side:
wire shelve in runner 1
flat mould: baking sheet in runner 2 or 3
2flat moulds: wire shelve and/or baking
sheets in runners 1 and 3 respectively.
Baking and roasting using top and bottom heat is only
possible at one level.
D flat cakes and biscuits on the baking sheet
-- in runner 1, 2 or 3
D high cakes, ring or square moulds
-- wire shelve in runner 2 or 3.
Bake-- and roastware
Use only the accessories supplied with the unit or dark
enamelled baking moulds. do exclusively make use of
suitable and temperature--resistant baking tins and
roasting dishes.
At baking or roasting with hot-air or pizza function you
can use dark and bright bakingmoulds, baking pottery,
heat--resistant moulds and pots. Do exclusively make
use of suitable and temperature--resistant baking tins
and roasting dishes. Bright sheets and molds do, how-
ever, extend the baking and roasting times. Please ob-
serve manufacturer‘s instructions.
At functiontop-/bottom heat donot usebright andglea-
ming sheets or moulds.
In the according runner level baking moulds and roa-
sting dishes are put onto the wire shelf. Special hints
are given in the baking an roasting charts.