Electronic clock
Electronic clock functions
D Daytime
The adjustment is described on page 7
D Short--term alarm
D Switch--off automatism
D Switch--on/off automatism
The clock is manipulated by 3 program buttons, two
setting buttons and the changeover button.
Start-up phase
After pushing of a programming button the next setting
maybe madewithin5 seconds.Afterwardsthedaytime
appears onthe display again. By pushing theprogram-
ming buttons you can at any time check or correct the
settings made.
Luminous symbols in the display
Symbol AUTO and refer to set switch--on or switch-
on/offautomatismprograms. Afterexpirationof time
goes out and AUTO flashes.
The bell symbol refers to short--term alarm swit-
Audible signal
The end of a duration of cooking or time setting is indi-
cated by a signal tone resounding.
short-term alarm: double signal tone
end of cooking time: four-fold signal tone.
The signal tone is repeated for 3 minutes and can be
cut off in advance by pushing a program button.
program button short--term alarm
program button duration of cooking
changeover to manual operation
program button end of duration
of cooking
setting buttons for all of the
time settings
Symbols in the display
comes on with automatic programs
set, flashes after expiration of time
comes on with short--term alarm set-
comes on with automatic sequences
program buttons setting buttons
changeover button