Switch--off automatism
= terminates the cooking duration set by automa-
tic switch--off of the oven
. Items to be cooked to be put into the oven.
. Set function and temperature switch
. Push program button
. and set the desired duration of cooking
by setting buttons and .
During the sequence of the duration of cooking sym-
bols andAUTO arelightingup. Youmay checkinthe
display the remaining duration of cooking with button
and the switch--off time with button
Corrections: push button and the duration of coo-
king set can be varied with setting buttons and .
After expiration of the duration of cooking the oven is
automatically swithced off. The triple signal tone
resaounds, goes out and AUTO flashes.
. Press any setting button. The sound signal is
switched off, AUTO goes out.
Theoven isnowready againformanual cookingopera-
tion or for new automatic setting.
As long as symbol flashes any further oven set-
tings will remain ineffictive. Then push button .
Switch--on /-off automatism
= switches on the oven functions at a later time
and automatically ends them after required dura-
tion of cooking
. Items to be cooked to be put into the oven.
. Set function switch and temperature selector.
. Push program button
. and set the desired duration of cooking
by setting buttons and
. Then push program button
. and set the switch-off time (the expected
meal--ready--time) with bottoms and .