Temperature selection
The hot air function is faster than ordinary functions in
supplying thefood with heat. Therefore,set the tempe-
rature by about 25
C lower than recommended in
reciepes for top and bottom heat.
Hint: Thehousehold appliancedealer isofferingbaking
/ roasting thermometers for the indication of the state
of cooking.
Grease filter
Grease filter to be hooked in with all roasting procedu-
res with hotair and when turbogrilling; filter to be remo-
ved when baking as the baking time would otherwise
be extended.
As the set temperature is reached within a very short
time, preheating of the oven before inserting the food
is not necessary for most of the baking and roasting
We recommend preheating with:
D meat dishes and short--roasts, such as fillet,
roastbeef, schnitzl or cutlet. The meat pores are
quicker closed and the item to be roasted
remains juicy.
D fancy biscuits that tend to spread easily,
D rolls, quiches, Swiss rolls.
For this purpose and before insertion of the items the
oven is heated up until the temperature signal lamp
goes out.
Baking with
hot air and top-/ bottom heat
Introduction for using the baking chart
The chart on baking operations contains in mostcases
temperatureranges, e.g.160--175 oC.Select thelower
temperaturefor themoment.In caseof toohigh tempe-
ratures a cake overcrusts too fast, it will collapse orwill
not rise properly, because only an insufficient amount
of water is extracted.
Ifthe bakingoperationtakes toolongor ifthecake does
not brown enough as expected, you may select a hig-
her setting.
The even browning of the cake can be improved by re-
ducing the baking temperature (by about 10
C). Then
prolonging of the baking time is necessary.
You might also have to change the baking time even if
you exactly followed the instructions given in the reci-
pe, as the size of eggs, the binding quality of the flour
and the material of which the mould is made can vary.
Before opening the oven lamp the oven has to
be isolated from the mains. Fuselage to be swit-
ched off or removed.
You may replace defect light bulbs yourself.
For thereplacement youneed bulbsthat areheat--resi-
stant up to 300
C, 25 W / 220-230 V -- E 14.
You can buy these bulbs in electronic specialist shops
or at the spare parts service.
Round oven lamp on the oven rear:
Unscrew the round protective cover glass, replace the
oven lamp and rescrew the protective cover glass.
Rectangular oven lamp in the left oven wall:
Hang out the left oven runner. With a wide screwdriver
or a suitable knife unclip the protective glass carefully
from the support, replace the bulb and press the pro-
tective glass into place again.