No heating element must be switched on during
the cleaningprocedure. Makesure thatthe oven
has cooled down in a way that one may get in
touchwithinteriorparts withoutanydanger.Only
the function switch may be switched on for oven
Steam and high--pressure cleaning units are not
suitable for cleaning because of the require-
ments of electrical safety.
Clean enamelled cavity
Carefully and regularly clean the appliance in luke-
warm or cold state. Avoid repeated burning--on of soi-
The oven inside is washed with a warm washing--up
liquid and a sponge or cloth. Soiling to be watered, if
need be. Afterwards wipe out with clear water and dry.
Never use caustic, scouring and scratching cleaners,
oven sprays, steel--wool. When nevertheless using
ovenspray dotakeinto considerationthatsomemeans
are damaging enamel surfaces.
Wire shelf and grill pan, baking sheets and
cake moulds
Oven accessories and shelving parts to be cleaned
witha warmwashing-upliquid. Theseitemsare notsui-
table for cleaning in a dishwasher.
Grease filter
Wash the stainless steel grease filter after every use
with asoft brush ina hot washing-upliquid or quitesim-
ply in a dishwasher. Have tenacious soiling soak and
react, for instance, in a hot scouring agent solution.