With built--in furniture the plastic coating or the veneer
respectively and the glue used must be temperature--
resistant up to 95°C.
Unsuitable plastic coating and non--heat--resistant
glues are the reason for possible deformation and loo-
sening of the coating. When in doubt check with the
manufacturer of the built--in furniture.
With regard to the protection against overheating of
surrounding furniture surfaces this appliance corres-
pondsto typeY. Thisappliance orthe built--in cupboard
for the appliance respectively may be located with the
rearwall andoneside walltowhatever highwalls orfur-
niture respectively and with the other side to another
appliance or furniture of the same height as this
Mains connection
Prior to connection it should be checked whether the
voltage stated on the type plate -- i.e. the nominal vol-
tage of the appliance -- is identical with the prevailing
mains voltage. The type plate ist located on the lower
oven frame at the left side and is visible after opening
of the oven door.
Oven with cord and plug :
put the plug into a by an expert installed socket.
Connection to the mains terminal:
The mainsconnection must becarried out byan expert
electrician. The VDE--regulations and the valid pre-
scriptions by the local power supply boards have to be
complied with.
According to existing mains voltage the appliancesare
to be connected in correspondence with the following
diagram of connections.
The heating element voltage amounts to 230 V . The
appliance will also perfectly perform with the former
mains voltage of 220 V .
The mainsconnection must becarried out ina waythat
an all--pole isolating device is existing with a contact
opening of at least 3 mm, e.g. LS--automatism, earth--
leakage circuit--breaker or fuse.
A wireof type H05VV--F orof higherrating isto beused
as supply cable.
The mains terminal is located at the back of the
appliance behind a covering slide.
The protectiveconductor isto beconnected toterminal
. The bridges of the terminal board are to be chan-
ged accordingly, if need be.
The cable connections have to be established as
prescribed and the terminal screws be firmly tigh-
tened. Afterwards the supply cable has to be secured
by strain relief device.
mains terminal
strain relief device
back of appliance
AC 230 V / AC 400 V
Mains terminal
Anschluß je nach Angabe
auf dem Typenschild des Gerätes