CrossPoint / MAV Matrix Switchers • HTML Operation
Date/Time Settings fields
setting the time functions.
Figure 6-5 — Date/Time Settings fields
Change the date and time settings as follows:
1. Click the desired value’s drop box. The adjustable variables are month, day,
2. Click and drag the slider or click the scroll up
button or the scroll down
button until the desired value is visible.
3. Click the desired value.
When setting the time, set the local time. The Zone variable allows you to then
enter the offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
The Zone field identifies the standard time zone selected and displays the
amount of time, in hours and minutes, that the local time varies from the GMT
international time reference.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for other variables that need to be changed.
5. Ifappropriate,selecttheappropriateDaylight Saving radio button to turn on
the daylight saving time feature for your region or nation.
When Daylight Saving Time is turned on, the switcher automatically updates its
internal clock between Standard Time and Daylight Saving Time in the spring
and fall on the date that the time change occurs in the country or region selected.
When Daylight Saving Time is turned off, the switcher does not adjust its time
6. Click the Submit button.