Operation, cont’d
CrossPoint / MAV Matrix Switchers • Operation
Viewing a configuration
The current configuration can be viewed using the front panel buttons. The
View-only mode prevents inadvertent changes to the current configuration.
View the current configuration as follows:
1. PresstheEscbuttontoclearanyinputbuttonindications,outputbutton
indications, or control button indications that may be on.
2. PressandreleasetheViewbutton.Allofthebuttonslightforoutputsthatare
not tied as follows:
• Amber: No tied video or audio input
• Green: No tied video input
• Red: No tied audio input
3. Selectvideo,audio,orbothtoviewbypressingtheRGBHV
Audio button.
4. Selectthedesiredinputoroutput(s)whosetiesyouwishtoviewbypressing
the input and output buttons.
N • WhenyouenterView-only mode, the output buttons light for all outputs
without ties. Likewise, when you press an output button for which there are
no ties, the output buttons light for all outputs without ties.
• Toseealltiesofthecurrentconguration,pressandreleaseeachinputand
output button, one at a time, with the RGBHV (CrossPoint switchers) or
Video (MAV Plus switchers) button and the Audio button lit.
• InView-only mode, you can view video and audio, video-only, or audio-only
ties. Pressing and releasing the RGBHV (CrossPoint switchers) or Video
(MAV Plus switchers) button and the Audio button toggles each selection on
and off.
• Whenyouviewvideoandaudioties,theRGBHV (CrossPoint switchers) or
Video (MAV Plus switchers) button is lit green and the Audio button is lit
red. After you select an input or output, the output buttons light different
colors to show where video and audio ties are not the same (audio is broken
Amber = video and audio
Green = video only
Red = audio only
• After30secondsoffrontpanelinactivity,View-only mode automatically