CrossPoint / MAV Matrix Switchers • Operation
Muting and unmuting video and/or audio outputs
Mutes are protected when front panel Lock mode 2 is selected. You can view the
status of the output (muted or unmuted) in Lock mode 2 but you cannot change
it from the front panel. See “Setting the front panel Locks (Executive modes)”
on page 3-52.
1. PresstheEscbuttontoclearanyinputbuttonindications,outputbutton
indications, or control button indications that may be on.
2. PressandreleasetheViewbutton.
3. Selectvideo,audio,orbothtomuteorunmutebypressingtheRGBHV
Audio button.
4. One at a time, press and hold the button(s) for the desired output(s) for
approximately 2 seconds. The output button(s) for the selected output(s)
blink to indicate the mute or return to their previous state to indicate the
5. PressandreleasetheViewbuttontoreturntonormalswitcheroperation.
N • Youcanmutevideoandaudio,video-only,oraudio-onlyoutputs.Pressing
and releasing the RGBHV (CrossPoint switchers) or Video (MAV Plus
switchers) button and the Audio button toggles each selection on and off.
• WhenyouenterView-Only mode, the output LEDs turn on for all outputs
without ties.
• OnCrossPointswitchers,thevideomutefunctionmutestheR,G,andB
planes only; the H and V planes are still active. On MAV Plus switchers,
the video mute function mutes all video planes.
• Mutesaresavedtonon-volatilememory.Whenpowerisremovedand
restored, the mute settings are retained.