Operation, cont’d
CrossPoint / MAV Matrix Switchers • Operation
5. PressandreleasetheAudiobutton(gure3-65).
I / O
The Audio button stops
blinking and lights.
Press the Audio button
to exit audio mode.
All input buttons and output buttons
return to unlit or background illumination.
The RGBHV or Video
button lights green.
Figure 3-65 — Deselect Audio mode
Viewing and adjusting the output volume (audio models)
On models with audio, the audio level of each local output can be displayed
attenuation). The audio level can be adjusted from the front panel or under
Output volume is protected when front panel Lock mode 2 is selected. You can
view the volume in Lock mode 2 but you cannot adjust it from the front panel.
See “Setting the front panel Locks (Executive modes)” on page 3-52.
1. PresstheEscbuttontoclearanyinputbuttons,outputbuttons,orcontrol
buttons that may be lit.
2. To enter Audio mode, press and hold the Audio button until the button begins
to blink red, then release the button.
3. Pressandreleaseanoutputbuttontoselectanoutput.Theinputbuttons
display the volume level for the selected output. The switchers indicate the
volume differently, depending on number of input buttons, but as a general
rule, the more buttons that are lit, the higher the volume. The fewer buttons
that are lit, the lower the volume.
For a more detailed analysis of decoding the displayed value, see “Reading
4. PressandreleasetheEsc(
) and View (
) buttons to increase and decrease
the audio volume.
5. PressandreleasetheAudiobuttontosavetheaudiosettingsandexitthe
Audio mode. The Audio button stops blinking.
N • Thereisoneaudiovolumelevelsettingperlocaloutput.Theaudiolevel
setting is shared by the left and right audio inputs.
• Theaudiovolumelevelsarestoredinnon-volatilememory.Whenpoweris
removed and restored, the audio level settings are retained.
• ExitingAudio mode by pressing the Audio button always returns the I/O
buttons to RGBHV (CrossPoint) or Video (MAV Plus) lit green and Audio
lit red.
• PressingtheEnterorPresetbuttonalsoexitsAudio mode. Pressing the
Preset button changes to RecallPreset mode.