Embraer Prodigy
Flight Deck 100 Pilot’s Guide
190-00728-04 Rev. A114
NOTE: Refer to the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) for required actions.
The Engine Maintenance Synoptics Page can only displayed when the aircraft is on the ground and both
engines are off. Maintenance personnel can view status messages for engine dispatch items and the following
engine parameter exceedance peaks and durations recorded by the FADEC for the last engine start-shutdown
•Engine high pressure compressor rotation speed
If no peaks are detected, the values and times are displayed as dashes The data is cleared from the display
using the CLEAR E1 and CLEAR E2 softkeys.
The Engine Maintenance Page also displays the ITT and N1 trims that are loaded in each Engine Data
Collection Unit (EDCU)
Figure 3-20 Engine Maintenance Synoptics Page