
190-00728-04 Rev. A
Embraer Prodigy
Flight Deck 100 Pilot’s Guide
Because of the tighter protection limit on approaches, there may be times when RAIM is not available. The
system automatically monitors RAIM and warns with an alert message when it is not available. If RAIM is not
predicted to be available for the final approach course, the approach does not become active, as indicated by the
messages “Approach is not active” and “RAIM not available from FAF to MAP”. If RAIM is not available when
crossing the FAF, the missed approach procedure must be flown.
Predicting RAIM availability:
1) Select the GPS Status Page.
2) If necessary, select the RAIM Softkey.
3) Press the
. The ‘WAYPOINT’ field is highlighted.
4) Turn the small FMS Knob to display the Waypoint Information Window.
5) Enter the desired waypoint:
a) Use the FMS Knob to enter the desired waypoint by identifier, facility, or city name and press the ENT Key. Refer
to Section 1.7 for instructions on entering alphanumeric data into the system.
a) Use the large FMS Knob to scroll to the Most Recent Waypoints List.
b) Use the small FMS Knob to highlight the desired waypoint in the list and press the ENT Key. The system
automatically fills in the identifier, facility, and city fields with the information for the selected waypoint.
c) Press the ENT Key to accept the waypoint entry.
a) To use the present position, press the MENU Key.
b) With ‘Set WPT to Present Position’ highlighted, press the ENT Key.
c) Press the ENT Key to accept the waypoint entry.
6) Use the FMS Knob to enter an arrival time and press the ENT Key.
7) Use the FMS Knob to enter an arrival date and press the ENT Key.
8) With the cursor highlighting ‘COMPUTE RAIM?’, press the ENT Key. Once RAIM availability is computed, one
of the following is displayed:
• ‘COMPUTE RAIM?’—RAIM has not been computed for the current waypoint, time, and date combination
• ‘COMPUTING AVAILABILITY’—RAIM calculation in progress
• ‘RAIM AVAILABLE’—RAIM is predicted to be available for the specied waypoint, time, and date
• ‘RAIM NOT AVAILABLE’—RAIM is predicted to be unavailable for the specied waypoint, time, and date
Predicting RAIM availability at present position
1) Select the GPS Status Page.
2) If necessary, select the RAIM Softkey.
3) Press the
. The ‘WAYPOINT’ field is highlighted.