190-00728-04 Rev. A
Embraer Prodigy
Flight Deck 100 Pilot’s Guide
Message Description
ADS 1 FAIL ADS 1 offline or failed
ADS 2 FAIL ADS 2 offline or failed
ADS 1 HTR FAIL Pitot heater 1 offline or heater element failed
ADS 2 HTR FAIL Pitot heater 2 offline or heater element failed
AHRS 1 FAIL AHRS 1 failure
AHRS 2 FAIL AHRS 2 failure
A-I E1 FAIL Anti-ice system failure in engine 1
A-I E2 FAIL Anti-ice system failure in engine 2
ANTI-SKID FAIL Anti-skid function lost; main brake still available
AP FAIL Loss of AP function
AP PITCH MISTRIM Airplane mistrimmed in pitch axis when AP is engaged
AP ROLL MISTRIM Airplane mistrimmed in roll axis when AP is engaged
AUDIO PNL 1 FAIL Audio panel 1 has failed
AUDIO PNL 2 FAIL Audio panel 2 has failed
AURAL WRN FAIL Aural warning system failure due to non-communicating LRUs
AUTO PTRIM FAIL Auto pitch trim failure; other pitch trim functions still available
BATT DISCHARGE Battery discharging under normal operation
BATT 1 OFF BUS Battery 1 offline
BATT 2 OFF BUS Battery 2 offline
BATT EXCEEDANCE Battery voltage has exceeded 29 VDC
BLEED 1 FAIL Bleed 1 system failure has been detected. Bleed is no longer available.
BLEED 2 FAIL Bleed 2 system failure has been detected. Bleed is no longer available.
A leakage has been detected at the bleed 1 line.
A leakage has been detected at the bleed 2 line.
BRK FAIL Main brake system lost
CAB DELTA-P FAIL Excessive cabin pressure differential
CLUTCH PIT FAIL Slip clutch maintenance test failed
CLUTCH ROL FAIL Slip clutch maintenance test failed
CLUTCH YAW FAIL Slip clutch maintenance test failed
CONFIG MDL FAIL Master Configuration Module failed or non-communicative
D-I WINGSTB FAIL Deice system in wings and tail failure
DOORBAG AFT OPEN Crew baggage door open
DOORBAG FWD OPEN Forward baggage door open
DUCT 1 OVERTEMP An overheat condition has been detected at the bleed 1 line.
DUCT 2 OVERTEMP An overheat condition has been detected at the bleed 2 line.
Engine 1 responds slowly or not at all to thrust commands
Engine 2 responds slowly or not at all to thrust commands
E1 FAIL Uncommanded shutdown detected for engine 1
E2 FAIL Uncommanded shutdown detected for engine 2
E1 FIRE DET FAIL Fire detection system failure in engine 1
E2 FIRE DET FAIL Fire detection system failure in engine 2
E1 FIREX FAIL Fire extinguisher failure in engine 1
E2 FIREX FAIL Fire extinguisher failure in engine 2
E1 FUEL IMP BYP Fuel filter impending bypass condition for engine 1
E2 FUEL IMP BYP Fuel filter impending bypass condition for engine 2
E1 TLA FAIL Thrust Lever Angle failure for engine 1
E2 TLA FAIL Thrust Lever Angle failure for engine 2