190-00728-04 Rev. A
Embraer Prodigy
Flight Deck 100 Pilot’s Guide
NOTE: Refer to the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) for corrective pilot actions.
If an engine failure occurs, besides the CAS message corresponding to the failed engine (“E1 FAIL” or “E2
FAIL”), the corresponding N1 gauge displays the annunciation “FAIL” in yellow inverse video with black text
(Figure 3-23). Detection of an engine fire causes a CAS message corresponding to the engine on fire (“E1 FIRE”
or “E2 FIRE”) in addition to the red inverse video annunciation “FIRE” to be displayed over the ITT gauge in
white text (Figure 3-24).
Figure 3-23 Engine Failure Indication Figure 3-24 Engine Fire Indication
If the cabin altitude (ALT) reaches a caution level, the readout displays black text on a yellow background.
When cabin altitude is 10,000 feet or greater, the readout displays as a warning with white text on a red
background, and the corresponding CAS message “CAB ALTITUDE HI” is issued.
If low flow or a cabin leak is detected, the cabin pressure change rate readout displays white text on a red
background, and the trend arrow turns red.
Excessive cabin differential pressure (DELTA-P) causes the pressure readout to display a yellow background
and black text; warnings are indicated with red background with white readout text. The CAS message “CAB
DELTA-P FAIL” accompanies this condition.
When oxygen system pressure (OXY) drops below 1590 PSI, the readout is indicated with black text on a
white background; pressure below 730 PSI is shown with yellow text on a black background. The CAS message
“OXY LO PRES” is also displayed.
If the pilot selected landing field elevation (LFE) differs by more than five feet from the FMS LFE value, the
LFE readout flashes yellow for 30 seconds.
A red “X” is displayed over any readout on the Cabin Display that is invalid or out of range.
Figure 3-25 Cabin Display with Excessive Change Rate