190-00728-04 Rev. A
Embraer Prodigy
Flight Deck 100 Pilot’s Guide
See the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) for recommended pilot actions.
Message Description
A-I E1 ON De-ice system on in engine 1
A-I E2 ON De-ice system on in engine 2
ADS 1 HTR FAULT Fault in ADS 1 heater
ADS 2 HTR FAULT Fault in ADS 2 heater
ADS-AOA HTR ON ADS-AOA probe switch is on
AHRS 1 FAULT Fault with AHRS 1
AHRS 2 FAULT Fault with AHRS 2
AUDIO PNL1 FAULT Fault with audio panel 1
AUDIO PNL2 FAULT Fault with audio panel 2
AURAL WRN FAULT Partial loss of aural warning function
AVNX FAN FAIL Avionics fan failure
BLEED 1 OFF Bleed pressure regulator 1 and shut-off valve closed
BLEED 2 OFF Bleed pressure regulator 2 and shut-off valve closed
BRK ACCU LO PRES* Pressure of normal brake accumulator is low
BRK CTRL 1 FAIL* Brake control channel #1 is not available (failed or powered off)
BRK CTRL 2 FAIL* Brake control channel #2 is not available (failed or powered off)
Active channel of brake control system has failure(s) which reduce safety margins without adversely
affect the aircraft operation. Non-dispatchable.
CLUTCH PIT PASS Pitch slip clutch maintenance test passed
CLUTCH PIT PROG Pitch slip clutch maintenance test in progress
CLUTCH ROL PASS Roll slip clutch maintenance test passed
CLUTCH ROL PROG Roll slip clutch maintenance test in progress
CLUTCH YAW PASS Yaw slip clutch maintenance test passed
CLUTCH YAW PROG Yaw slip clutch maintenance test in progress
DC BUS 1 OFF DC bus 1 offline
DC BUS 2 OFF DC bus 2 offline
D-I WINGSTB ON Deice system in wings and tail ON
E1 CHIP DETECTED Chip detected by engine 1 oil chip detector
E2 CHIP DETECTED Chip detected by engine 2 oil chip detector
E1 FADEC FAULT FADEC fault in engine 1
E2 FADEC FAULT FADEC fault in engine 2
Emergency accumulator pressure between 1800 and 2300 psi. System still operative, but servicing
will be necessary in the near future.
ELEC SYS FAULT Electrical system fault
EMER BUS OFF Emergency bus OFF
Limit exceeded in engine(s) during flight
ENG FIREX DISCH Engine fire extinguisher discharge
FADEC detected no dispatch fault condition in engine(s)
FLAP NOT AVAIL Flaps not available