Current Route Page
When the StreetPilot III is navigating a Route, the Current Route Page is displayed between the Map
Page and the Trip Information Page (the Current Route Page is only available during navigation).
The page shows a pointer which indicates the direction of travel from your current location to the
destination, a list of the next three turns and the destination (turn direction arrow, turn description,
distance and time for each).
To change the time displayed on the Current Route Page:
1. With the Current Route Page displayed, press MENU.
2. Select ‘Show Times to Go’ or ‘Show Arrival Time’. Press ENTER.
It is often desirable to view the Next Turn Page from the Current Route Page.
Current Route Page
Scroll Bar
Distance to Go
Time to GoDriving Instructions
Direction of Turn
You can change the displayed time to show arrival times
or time to reach each turn.
OM REV B.indd 6/28/01, 9:42 AM22