GPS Information Page
Receiver Status
As soon as the StreetPilot III has collected the necessary data to calculate a fi x, the status fi eld will
indicate a 2D or 3D status. (For ‘2D’, you may need to enter your elevation. Receiver status is indicated
at the top left corner of the page. The status will be shown as one of the following conditions:
Searching Sky- the StreetPilot III is looking for any available satellites in view.
AutoLocate- the StreetPilot III is initializing and collecting new almanac data. This process can take up
to fi ve minutes, depending on the satellites currently in view.
Acquiring- the receiver is collecting data from available satellites, but has not collected enough data
to calculate a position fi x.
2D Navigation- at least three satellites with good geometry have been locked onto and a two-
dimensional position fi x (latitude and longitude) is being calculated. ‘2D Diff’ will appear when you are
receiving DGPS corrections with a two-dimensional position.
3D Navigation- at least four satellites with good geometry have been locked onto, and your position is
now being calculated in latitude, longitude and elevation. ‘3D Diff’ will appear when you are receiving
DGPS corrections with a three-dimensional position.
Poor GPS Coverage- the receiver isn’t tracking enough satellites for a 2D or 3D fi x due to bad satellite
geometry or due to a shaded antenna (driving between buildings, etc.)
Not Usable- the receiver is unusable, possibly due to incorrect initialization or abnormal satellite
conditions. Turn the unit off and back on to reset, and reinitialize the receiver if necessary.
GPS is Off- the unit is being used indoors and cannot be used for navigation. When the unit is being
used indoors, battery life is saved since the GPS receiver is turned off.
‘Acquiring Sats’ means the receiver is collecting data
from available satellites but has not collected enough
data to calculate a position fi x.
‘GPS Is Off’ tells you the unit is being used indoors and
cannot be used for navigation.
OM REV B.indd 6/28/01, 9:43 AM36