Using the Find Menu
3. Highlight the item you want from the list.
4. Press ENTER to display the information page for the item.
Finding a nearest item :
1. Highlight the item you want from the nearest list.
2. Press ENTER to display the information page for the item.
Finding a Waypoint
Waypoints that you have created and stored in the StreetPilot III can be found by selecting the
‘Waypoints’ option of the Find Menu. You can fi nd a waypoint from a list of waypoints ‘By Name’ or
‘Nearest’ using the procedure explained in the steps above.
The Waypoint Information Page (step 2 above) displays the waypoint name, a map symbol, the
location in lat/lon, elevation and three on-screen buttons (Route to It, Show it on the map, or Delete
the Waypoint).
Finding a City
Cities listed in the map database can be found by selecting the ‘Cities’ option of the Find Menu.
The City Information Page for the selected city displays the city name, the size by population and the
distance from your location. You can view it on the map (show map) or ‘Route to It’ from your current
location, or save as a waypoint.
You can fi nd waypoints without using the optional
MapSource CD map data.
Nearest cities are listed in order according to their
mileage from your present position.
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