System Setup
Safety Tab
Your StreetPilot III is equipped with a Safe Mode feature to improve driver safety. By default,
this feature is enabled, but can be turned off to allow a passenger to operate the unit. When
your vehicle is moving, Safe Mode disables StreetPilot III functions which require signifi cant
operator attention and may become a distraction to use while driving.
Disabled functions include:
• Map Panning
• All FIND key functions (except Recent List)
• All MENU key functions
• Creating new routes
When you come to a complete stop, these features are automatically re-enabled.
Track Log Tab
The StreetPilot III automatically records a history of your locations in the ‘Track Log’, creating an
electronic ‘bread crumb’ trail of the path you have traveled. Once full, new track points will replace
the oldest track points. The beginning of the track is the earliest point while the end is the most
recent. The display of the track log on the map can be turned on and off in the Map Setup (the
default is off).
Recording - Select On or Off; On to record tracks, Off stops tracks from being recorded.
Percentage Full - Shows the percentage of track memory used.
Clear Track - Clears the track log from memory.
Press the ‘Clear Track’ Button on the Track Log Page to
clear all of the stored tracks.
The ‘Safe Mode’ can be turned off to allow a passenger
to operate the unit.
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