
Appendix F
Time Offset
This chart is provided to help you determine the standard time offset settings for your current
location in order to set the correct time on the Time Setup Page. To change the UTC (Universal Time
Coordinate) Offset, if necessary, press the MENU key twice to access the Options Menu. Then scroll
down to the System Setup option, press ENTER to access and then tab over to the ‘Time’ page. Highlight
the UTC Offset fi eld and press ENTER to enter the appropriate offset value from the chart below
using the UP or DOWN areas of the ROCKER keypad. To determine your longitudinal zone, press
MARK to show the Longitude on the Waypoint Marked Page. It should fall between one of the sets
of values on the chart.
Longitudinal Zone Offset
W180.0° to W172.5° -12.00
W172.5° to W157.5° -11.00
W157.5° to W142.5° -10.00
W142.5° to W127.5° -09.00
W127.5° to W112.5° -08.00
W112.5° to W097.5° -07.00
W097.5° to W082.5° -06.00
W082.5° to W067.5° -05.00
W067.5° to W052.5° -04.00
W052.5° to W037.5° -03.00
W037.5° to W022.5° -02.00
W022.5° to W007.5° -01.00
W007.5° to E007.5° -00.00
Longitudinal Zone Offset
E007.5° to E022.5° +01.00
E022.5° to E037.5° +02.00
E052.5° to E067.5° +03.00
E067.5° to E082.5° +04.00
E082.5° to E097.5° +05.00
E097.5° to E112.5° +06.00
E112.5° to E122.5° +07.00
E122.5° to E127.5° +08.00
E127.5° to E142.5° +09.00
E142.5° to E157.5° +10.00
E157.5° to E172.5° +11.00
E172.5° to E180.5° +12.00
OM REV B.indd 6/28/01, 9:43 AM58