System Setup
Avoid - Let’s you avoid certain things that may be undesirable in your route.
U-Turns: If checked, the StreetPilot III will not tell you to make a u-turn unless absolutely
Toll roads: If checked, the StreetPilot III will avoid entering toll roads, but will do so if the
alternatives take you too far out of your way.
Highways: If checked, the StreetPilot III will avoid interstates and major highways, but will do so if
the alternatives take you too far out of your way.
Time File Tab
Time Format - Allows you to choose from a 12 or 24 hour time format. When you select the 12
hour time format, the clock will read like a standard clock with 12 hour AM and PM cycles. The 24
hour option sets the clock to display a 24 hour cycle (Military Time).
Time Zone - Can be set to one of the U.S. Time Zones, or by selecting ‘Other’ you can enter the
UTC Time Offset for any other time zone. Refer to the instructions for setting UTC Time Offset and
the Time Offset Chart on page 55.
Daylight Savings Time - Can be turned On or Off or set to Automatic.
Current Date and Current Time Are determined by the satellites being received and can not be
Remember that current date and time are determined by
the satellites and cannot be changed.
Toll Roads can be avoided when planning your route.
OM REV B.indd 6/28/01, 9:43 AM45