
GFK-1115 Chapter 6 Demo Project 6 - 23
Creating the Pictures
The picture is the basis of a Panel project. Pictures consist of text, lines, fields, key functions and
LED functions. These elements can be divided into two groups. There are static elements such as
text and lines or dynamic elements like input and output fields. (Lines can only be inserted in a
picture if a graphic display has been selected in the project definition.)
Text and lines make up the Mask.
Fields are defined for user entries and for displaying values from the PLC. Output fields
can be used to display information such as temperature and RPM. Input fields can be
used to enter values to be sent to the PLC.
The number of fields, keys and LED functions that can be used in a picture depends on the Panel
used (see Appendix A in the PANELWARE™ Configuration Software Reference Manual
If the main menu is active, you can use the Picture option from the Edit menu or use the key
combination Ctrl + B to access the picture editor.
The size of the rectangle corresponds to the selected display type (in this case, display type LCD
8x40 is shown); i.e., the rectangle consists of 8 lines and 40 columns (characters per line). Text or
fields can be inserted into the rectangle.
Press F10 Exit or the Esc key can be used to close the picture editor. If the picture is not yet
saved, (in this case having the name, NONAME) or the picture has been changed, PCS asks
whether the picture should be saved or not.
More information about the picture editor can be found in chapter 5 of the PANELWARE™
Configuration Software Reference Manual (GFK-0849).