
GFK-1115 3 - 1
Quick Start
This chapter provides a quick guide to installing and using PCS and, using step-by-step
instructions, explains how to create a project. It includes the following information:
Software Installation........................3-2
Calling the Setup Program........3-2
Language Selection...................3-2
Installation Menu .....................3-3
Starting PCS ...................................3-5
General Operation...........................3-6
Pull-down Menus...............3-6
Window Name...................3-6
Selection Windows ............3-7
Context-Sensitive Help ......3-7
Screen Elements ................3-8
PCS Configuration ..........................3-9
Creating a New Project..................3-10
Defining Connections....................3-14
PLC Panel Connection.......3-15
Connection to a GE Fanuc PLC
via Genius.............................. 3-15
Internal Connection ............... 3-18
Genius Internal Connection.... 3-19
Key Assignments.......................... 3-20
Creating Pictures .......................... 3-22
Defining the Project Variables ...... 3-29
Binding Pictures in the Project...... 3-33
Communications Error Picture3-34
Picture Binding Overview...... 3-35
Picture List Organization....... 3-39
Compiling the Project................... 3-40
Downloading the Project............... 3-41
Starting the Project ....................... 3-44
Exiting the PCS............................ 3-45