Configuration Commands
Route Map configuration
Routing maps control and modify routing information. The map number <1-32> represents the routing
map you wish to configure.
The following table describes the basic Route Map Configuration commands. The following sections
provide more detailed information and commands.
Table 126 Route Map Configuration commands
Command Description
route-map <1-32>
Enter Route Map configuration mode.
Command mode: Global configuration
[no] access-list <1-8>
Configures the Access List.
Command mode: Route Map
[no] metric <0-16777214>
Sets the metric of the matched route.
Command mode: Route Map
[no] metric-type {type1|type2}
Assigns the type of OSPF metric. The default is type 1.
• Type 1—External routes are calculated using both internal and
external metrics.
• Type 2—External routes are calculated using only the external
metrics. Type 2 routes have more cost than Type 2.
• none—Removes the OSPF metric.
Command mode: Route Map
precedence <1-256>
Sets the precedence of the route map. The smaller the value, the
higher the precedence. Default value is 10.
Command mode: Route Map
Enables the route map.
Command mode: Route Map
no enable
Disables the route map.
Command mode: Route Map
no route-map <1-32>
Deletes the route map.
Command mode: Route Map
show route-map [<1-32>]
Displays the current route configuration.
Command mode: All except User EXEC