Information Commands
OSPF Database information
The following table describes the OSPF Database information commands.
Table 34 OSPF Database information commands
Command Usage
show ip ospf database advertising-
router <router ID>
Takes advertising router as a parameter. Displays all the Link
State Advertisements (LSAs) in the LS database that have the
advertising router with the specified router ID, for example:
Command mode: All except User EXEC
show ip ospf database asbr-summary
[advertising-router <router ID>
|link-state-id <A.B.C.D> | self]
Displays ASBR summary LSAs. The usage of this command is as
• asbrsum adv-rtr displays ASBR summary
LSAs having the advertising router
• asbrsum link_state_id displays ASBR
summary LSAs having the link state ID
• asbrsum self displays the self advertised ASBR summary
• asbrsum with no parameters displays all the ASBR summary
Command mode: All except User EXEC
show ip ospf database database-
Displays the following information about the LS database in a
table format:
• The number of LSAs of each type in each area.
• The total number of LSAs for each area.
• The total number of LSAs for each LSA type for all areas
• The total number of LSAs for all LSA types for all areas
No parameters are required.
Command mode: All except User EXEC
show ip ospf database external
[advertising-router <router ID>
|link-state-id <A.B.C.D> | self]
Displays the AS-external (type 5) LSAs with detailed information
of each field of the LSAs.
Command mode: All except User EXEC
show ip ospf database network
[advertising-router <router ID>
|link-state-id <A.B.C.D> | self]
Displays the network (type 2) LSAs with detailed information of
each field of the LSA.network LS database.
Command mode: All except User EXEC
show ip ospf database nssa
[advertising-router <router ID>
|link-state-id <A.B.C.D> | self]
Displays the NSSA (type 7) LSAs with detailed information of
each field of the LSAs.
Command mode: All except User EXEC
show ip ospf database router
[advertising-router <router ID>
|link-state-id <A.B.C.D> | self]
Displays the router (type 1) LSAs with detailed information of
each field of the LSAs.
Command mode: All except User EXEC
show ip ospf database self
Displays all the self-advertised LSAs. No parameters are
Command mode: All except User EXEC