Configuration Commands
Table 149 Virtual Router Priority Tracking Configuration commands
Command Description
[no] virtual-router <1-250>
track interfaces
When enabled, the priority for this virtual router will be increased for each
other IP interface active on this switch. An IP interface is considered active
when there is at least one active port on the same VLAN. This helps elect
the virtual routers with the most available routes as the master. This
command is disabled by default.
Command mode: Router VRRP
[no] virtual-router <1-250>
track ports
When enabled, the priority for this virtual router will be increased for each
active port on the same VLAN. A port is considered active if it has a link
and is forwarding traffic. This helps elect the virtual routers with the most
available ports as the master. This command is disabled by default.
Command mode: Router VRRP
show ip vrrp virtual-router
<1-250> track
Displays the current configuration for priority tracking for this virtual router.
Command mode: All except User EXEC
VRRP Virtual Router Group configuration
The Virtual Router Group commands are used for associating all virtual routers into a single logical virtual
router, which forces all virtual routers on the switch to either be master or backup as a group. A virtual
router is defined by its virtual router ID and an IP address. On each VRRP-capable routing device
participating in redundancy for this virtual router, a virtual router will be configured to share the same
virtual router ID and IP address.
The following table describes the Virtual Router Group Configuration commands.
Table 150 Virtual Router Group Configuration commands
Command Description
group virtual-router-id
Defines the virtual router ID.
The virtual router ID for standard virtual routers (where the virtual
router IP address is not the same as any virtual server) can be any integer
between 1 and 250. All virtual router ID values must be unique
within the VLAN to which the virtual router’s IP interface belongs. The default
virtual router ID is 1.
Command mode: Router VRRP
group interface <1-249>
Selects a switch IP interface. The default switch IP interface number is 1.
Command mode: Router VRRP
group priority <1-254>
Defines the election priority bias for this virtual router group. This can be any
integer between 1 and 254. The default value is 100.
During the master router election process, the routing device with the highest
virtual router priority number wins. If there is a tie, the device with the highest
IP interface address wins. If this virtual router’s IP address is the same as the
one used by the IP interface, the priority for this virtual router will
automatically be set to 255 (highest).
When priority tracking is used, this base priority value can be modified
according to a number of performance and operational criteria.
Command mode: Router VRRP