Configuration Commands
Table 139 IGMP Snooping commands
Command Description
[no] ip igmp snoop flood
Configures the switch to flood unregistered IP multicast reports to all
Command mode: Global configuration
[no] ip igmp snoop aggregate
Enables or disables IGMP Membership Report aggregation.
Command mode: Global configuration
ip igmp snoop source-ip <IP
Configures the source IP address used as a proxy for IGMP Group
Specific Queries.
Command mode: Global configuration
ip igmp snoop vlan <1-4094>
Adds the VLAN to IGMP Snooping.
Command mode: Global configuration
no ip igmp snoop vlan <1-4094>
Removes the VLAN from IGMP Snooping.
Command mode: Global configuration
no ip igmp snoop vlan all
Removes all VLANs from IGMP Snooping.
Command mode: Global configuration
[no] ip igmp snoop vlan <1-4094>
Enables or disables FastLeave processing. FastLeave allows the
switch to immediately remove a port from the IGMP port list, if the
host sends a Leave message, and the proper conditions are met. This
command is disabled by default.
Command mode: Global configuration
ip igmp snoop enable
Enables IGMP Snooping.
Command mode: Global configuration
no ip igmp snoop enable
Disables IGMP Snooping.
Command mode: Global configuration
show ip igmp snoop
Displays the current IGMP Snooping parameters.
Command mode: All except User EXEC
IGMPv3 Snooping configuration
The following table describes the IGMP version 3 Snooping Configuration commands.
Table 140 IGMPv3 Snooping commands
Command Description
ip igmp snoop igmpv3 sources
Configures the maximum number of IGMP multicast sources to snoop
from within the group record. Use this command to limit the number
of IGMP sources to provide more refined control.
Command mode: Global configuration
[no] ip igmp snoop igmpv3 v1v2
Enables or disables snooping on IGMP version 1 and version 2
reports. When disabled, the switch drops IGMPv1 and IGMPv2
reports. The default value is enabled.
Command mode: Global configuration