online help, 17
operating mode, configuration, 124
Operations-level port options, 186,
ospf: interface, 151; Not-So-Stubby
Area, 152; stub area, 152; transit
area, 152
panic: command, 197; switch, 192
ping command, 17
port configuration, 123
port mirroring, configuration, 181
port number, 63
port speed, 19, 63
port trunking configuration, 138
ports: disable (temporarily), 124;
information, 64; membership of
the VLAN, 44; priority, 38, 40, 42;
STP port priority, 136
preemption: assuming VRRP
master routing authority, 165
priority (STP port option), 136
prisrv, primary radius server, 106
ptcfg (TFTP save command), 185
Rapid Spanning Tree and Multiple
Spanning Tree information, 39
read community string (SNMP
option), 110
reboot, 192, 197
retries, radius server, 106
retry, health checks for default
gateway, 143
RMON: alarm information, 61;
history information, 60
RMON configuration: alarm, 180;
event, 179; history, 178
RMON Information Menu, 60
poisoned reverse, as used with split
horizon: poisoned reverse, 149
Routing Information Protocol (RIP):
version 1 parameters, 145, 149
split horizon: split horizon, 149
save command, 191
secret, radius server, 106
Secure Shell (SSH): encryption and
authentication methods, 11
Secure Shell Server (SSHD) Menu,
shortcuts, 18
snap traces, buffer, 193
SNMP: set and get access, 110
SNMPv3 Access Table information,
SNMPv3 Community Table
information, 24
SNMPv3 dump, 27
SNMPv3 Group Table information,
SNMPv3 Information Menu, 21
SNMPv3 Notify Table information,
SNMPv3 Target Address Table
information, 25
SNMPv3 Target Parameters Table
information, 25
SNMPv3 USM User Table
information, 22
SNMPv3 View Table information,
software: image, 188
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP):
bridge parameters, 135;
information, 37; port cost option,
136; port priority option, 136; root
bridge, 135; switch reset effect,
191; with trunk groups, 43
state (STP information), 38, 40, 42
statistics dump, 100
Statistics Menu, 67
subnets: IP interface, 142
switch: reset, 191
syslog: display messages, 29
system: date and time, 20, 21, 22,
23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31;
information, 28, 66
System Configuration Menu, 102
System Information Menu, 20
system options: login banner, 102;
tnport, 102
tab completion, 18
TCP statistics, 93, 94
Telnet: requirements, 11
timeout, radius server, 106
timeouts, idle connection, 13
tnport, system option, 102
trace buffer, 193
traceroute command, 17
transmit flow control, 124
Trivial File Transfer Protocol
commands, 185; use for
updating switch software image,
typographical conventions, 14
UDP statistics, 86
unscheduled system dump, 197
upgrade, switch software, 188
user access control configuration,
user access levels, 12
uuencode flash dump, 195
virtual router: description, 164
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
(VRRP): password,
authentication; VRRP
authentication, 168; group
options (prio); virtual router;
priority, 166; priority election for
the virtual router, 164
virtual routers: increasing priority
level of, 165; master preemption
(preem); virtual router, 167;
master preemption (prio); virtual
router, 165
VLAN: active port; VLAN, 167
VLAN tagging: port configuration,
VLANs: ARP entry information, 48;
configuration, 141; information,
44; name, 44; port membership,
44; setting default number
(PVID), 123; tagging, 19, 64;
VLAN number, 44
VRID (virtual router ID), 164, 166
VRRP: master advertisements, 164
VRRP configuration, 163
VRRP information, 57
VRRP master advertisements: time
interval, 167
VRRP statistics menu, 91