
Configuring Rights
Table 4-27. Edit Address fields
Field Definition
Name The name of the variable. May be up to 32 uppercase alphabetic characters (no numerals
or other characters). You may include the —@“ at the beginning and end, but do not need to
the system will add them if necessary.
Value The value can be an IP address or host name, up to 255 characters in length. It can include
the characters allowed for a fully-qualified host name–alphanumeric characters, period,
dash, and slash.
You can modify the @INTRANET@ variable by creating a new @INTRANET@ variable and providing a
different network address. The new definition replaces the old definition. You cannot replace any of
the other pre-defined variables this way—they reflect the values input during the network setup,
and can be changed only by changing the network configuration on the Network Setup tab under
the Network button.
DNS/WINS Filter Pairs
The DNS or WINS servers specified as part of the Basic Setup of each 700wl Series system component are
used by the 700wl Series system for doing address resolution for its own needs. In addition, by default,
the primary DNS or WINS servers are used as the destination of the predefined DNS and WINS redirects.
When a client sends an address resolution request, by default it is redirected to the primary DNS or WINS
The DNS/WINS Filter feature lets you specify additional DNS or WINS servers, and create Allowed
Traffic/Redirected Traffic filter pairs for those server destinations. The Redirected Traffic member of the
pair redirects any DNS or WINS requests with unknown server destinations to (one of) the specified DNS
or WINS servers. The Allowed Traffic member of the pair forwards a DNS or WINS request that has the
specified server as the destination. You can specify multiple DNS or WINS servers, and then use those
servers in the Allowed or Redirected Traffic filters. In a Redirect Traffic filter with multiple servers, you
can specify that the Rights Manager should select the destination address at random from its list of
servers, or that it should always redirect to a single server.
The Allowed and Redirected Traffic members of a DNS or WINS filter pair are created together in a single
operation. Once created, they appear together with the other Allowed Traffic Filters or Redirected Traffic
Filters under the Allowed Traffic/Redirected Traffic tabs available when you are creating or editing an
Access Policy.
» To view the list of DNS filters currently defined in the 700wl Series system, click the DNS Filters link on
the main Access Policies page.
To view the list of WINS filters currently defined in the 700wl Series system, click the
WINS Filters
link on the main Access Policies page. The WINS Filters page appears, as shown in Figure 4-36. The
DNS Filters page looks identical.
4-72 HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide