Configuring Authentication
If you select Non-user bind, the remaining fields on the page are as follows:
Table 5-4. LDAP Authentication Configuration Options, Non-User Bind
Field/Option Description
Use the username field as
an alias to find the user‘s
DN and authenticate by
Select this option if the user‘s DN is not the same as the username field (the
user logon). If this is the case, the 700wl Series system does the user
authentication in two steps:
It first connects to the directory service with Non-user binding, and uses the
username as an alias to retrieve the actual user DN.
It binds a second time with User binding, using the retrieved user DN and the
user-provided password to authenticate the user.
Use the returned password
for authentication.
Select this option to indicate that the password should be retrieved so the
700wl Series system can use it to authenticate the user.
Password field The attribute that contains the user password to be retrieved. The default is
the attribute userPassword.
Password Encryption The method used to encrypt the password when returning it to the 700wl
Series system. Select one of the following: Crypt, SHA, SSHA, MD5, SMD5,
or no encryption (CLEAR). The default is Crypt.
• Crypt
• MD5
• SMD5
• CLEAR œ no encryption
Anonymous bind Select this to bind anonymously without a username and password.
(Not all LDAP server implementations allow this option.)
Bind using rootdn/rootpw Select this to bind using the root DN and password for the LDAP server.
Rootdn The root Distinguished Name for your LDAP server
Rootpw The root password for your LDAP server
If you select
User bind, the remaining fields on the page are as follows:
Table 5-5. LDAP Authentication Configuration Options, User Bind
Field/Option Description
User bind string String defining the user DN for the user-level bind. String will be of the form
cn=%s,cn=user. The actual user logon name is substituted for the %s
variable. Optionally you can type the base DN portion into this string, or the
Base DN, as specified in the Base DN field, can be appended automatically.
Append the base DN to the above
bind string
Check this box to have the Base Distinguished Name (as specified in the
Base DN field) appended to the User bind string.
Note: You can type a base DN directly as part of the user bind string instead
of checking this option.
5-12 HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide