
A Simple Logon Page Template Example
The 700wl Series system logon page, in its simplest form, consists of two fields where the user enters
his/her user name and password, and a button to invoke the logon function. Other optional elements can
include a Logoff button, a Guest logon or Guest registration button, and possibly a display of the user
name of the logged-on user, and the time his/her rights will expire.
The template file shown in Figure C-1 is an example of the most basic form of a Logon page template. It
demonstrates the basic elements commonly used on a Logon page.
The template uses several Tmpl functions to do the following:
Flow control: (
@if(), @endif())
Determine if a user is logged on: (
Retrieve the user logon name: (
Perform certain required functions, which do not produce visible output: (
@satmac(), @interface(),
@java_works(), @secret(), @query())
The template also defines two input fields (for the user logon name and password), and three buttons,
which must be specified as shown in the example. The form elements are described in more detail in
“Logon Template Elements” on page C-3.
Example 1
<!-- This is the most basic form of the logon page -->
<title>HP ProCurve 700wl Series Logon Page</title>
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<body bgcolor="FFFFFF">
<!-- beginning of Logon Form, with required tag and functions -->
<FORM action=/logon method=post name=logonForm>
@logon_error()<br> <!-- outputs any errors that occur -->
<!-- if logged on, shows user name -->
You are logged on as @username()<br>
<!-- displays username and password input fields -->
username<INPUT name=username><P>
password<INPUT name=password type=password><P>
<!-- displays the three buttons -->
<INPUT name=logon_action type=submit value="Logon User"><P>
<INPUT name=logon_action type=submit value=Logoff><P>
<INPUT name=logon_action type=submit value="Logon as a Guest"><P>
C-2 HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide