Using the 700wl Series System
Display Filters and Auto Refresh Settings
Some data, such as the contents of the log, can be very lengthy. To control the display of such information
you can use filters to selectively display subsets of the total information.
Figure 2-8. Display Filters and Auto Refresh Settings
Select the desired filter values using the drop-down lists and click Apply Filters to refresh the
display with data that matches the filter criteria. On the Log Files page, a Search capability is also
provided to allow you to search for a particular string in a log file message. See
Figure 2-8. On
pages that display dynamic data you can set the page to automatically refresh the data at specified
intervals using the Auto Refresh option.
Main Panel
The main panel under a tab can show two basic types of displays:
• A list or table that gives a summary view of the main elements under a tab, and may provide further
navigation to view details about or manage those elements
• A set of fields, checkboxes, or buttons for configuring a particular entity of the 700wl Series system.
2-12 HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide