
Required Elements
Form Tag
<FORM action=/logon method=post name=logonForm>
For the logon page only, there must be a form with the name attribute set to logonForm. The action and
method attributes must also be set as shown.
At least one of these buttons must be present on the page to enable a user to log in.
<INPUT name=logon_action type=submit value="Logon User">
<INPUT name=logon_action type=submit value="Logoff">
<INPUT name=logon_action type=submit value="Logon as a Guest">
<INPUT name=logon_action type=submit value="Register as Guest">
<INPUT name=logon_action type=submit value="Register">
For these buttons, the name, type, and value attributes must be set exactly as shown. The value determines
the function of the button:
Logon User” submits a username and password for authentication.
“Logoff” logs the user off.
Logon as a Guest” logs a user on as “Guest with Guest rights. The user name and password are not
“Register as a Guest” displays the Guest Registration page.
If you plan to use a Guest Registration page (either a custom page or the default page) you must
use the “Register as Guest” button. Otherwise, the Guest Registration page will never be
displayed. “Logon as a Guest” and “Register as Guest” are mutually exclusive.
“Register” submits the Guest username and password to be added to the built-in database, and logs the
user in with Guest rights. The next time the user accesses the system, he will be able to log in using the
user name and password he provided at registration, but will still only have Guest rights.
The following two fields are used to enter the user’s user name and password. The name attributes must
be specified as shown.
<INPUT name=username type=text>
<INPUT name=password type=password>
Required Macros
The following macros must appear within the FORM element. Each macro is replaced in the output with
an INPUT element with type=
hidden. For example, @satmac() is replaced in the output by a string
similar to:
<INPUT name=satMac type=hidden value=00e018094f7e>
value will be set to a MAC address.
C-4 HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide