Configuring Rights
» To edit a Connection Profile, click the Connection Profile name in the first column of the table, or click
the pencil icon at the end of the row. This takes you directly to the Edit Connection Profile page (see
“Creating or Editing a Connection Profile” on page 4-31).
» To delete a Connection Profile, click the trash can icon at the end of the row.
Note: You cannot delete a Connection Profile that is in use–an error message will inform you if
this is the case. You must first remove the Connection Profile from use in any rows in the Rights
Assignment Table.
» To create a new Connection Profile, click the New Connection Profile... button at the bottom of the
Connection Profiles list. This takes you to the New Connection Profile page.
From the Connection Profiles page you can go directly to the Locations or Time Windows pages using the
links directly under the page name in the left-hand panel of the page.
Creating or Editing a Connection Profile
To create a new Connection Profile, click the New Connection Profile... button at the bottom of the list on
the Connection Profiles page. The New Connection Profile page appears (see Figure 4-14), with the
Settings tab initially displayed.
The Edit Connection Profile page is almost identical to the New Connection Profile page, except that the
page displays the information about the Connection Profile you have selected. The name field is already
filled in with the name of the Connection Profile you are editing, and the fields under the Settings tab are
filled in with the settings for this Connection Profile. The Locations and Time Windows lists display
checkboxes that indicate the Locations and Time Windows that have been included in this Connection
HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide 4-31