How do I use MarkVision Messenger?
Step 5: Select specific events or folder
Depending on the Event Type you have chosen, you must now tell MarkVision Messenger either the
Device Status Alerts your Action will monitor, or the folder whose events your Action will monitor.
If your Action is triggered by a Printer Folder Alert
1 Select a folder.
2 Click when you're ready to continue.
If your Action is triggered by a Device Status Alert
From the Events screen you can:
• Add an event to the Selected Events: list:
1 Choose whether to sort events by Type or Severity.
2 Select an event category.
3 Add events to the Selected Events: list by:
— Selecting an event, and then clicking .
— Selecting [All events], for example [All Input Alerts], and then clicking .
— Clicking to add all category events.
4 Click when you're ready to continue.
• Remove an event from the Selected Events: list
Select the event you want to remove, and then:
— Click to delete the event from the list.
— Click to delete all events from the list.
• Selecting [All events] adds all category events to the Selected Events: list, even ones added
to the server later.
• You can select from one or more event categories, one or more events, or a combination of
the two.
Step 6: Select devices
You must choose which devices you want to monitor. For your convenience, MarkVision Messenger
provides you with a list of all available devices capable of producing the events you selected.
From the Event Sources screen, you can: