How do you create actions?
How do you create actions?
The following steps are an example of how to create an Action in MarkVision Messenger. This
sample Action sends an e-mail message to a fictional address, (paper@jam.com) whenever a printer
monitored by the MarkVision Server enters a Paper Jam state.
1 After logging in to MarkVision Messenger, click Create New.
• Type in the name of the Action (required).
• Type in a description of the Action (optional).
• Type in notes about your Action (optional).
2 Click the Next arrow icon.
3 Choose whether to make your Action private (the Action is only available to you) or public
(the Action is available to all users), and then click the Next arrow icon.
4 Choose the event that will trigger the Action. For this example, select Paper Jam from the
Events list, and then click the to add Paper Jam to the Selected Events box.
5 Click .
6 Select your method of device selection. You can choose to:
• Monitor All Devices on the MarkVision Server
• Monitor Devices in a Specified Folder
• Monitor Selected Devices
7 For this example, click Monitor All Devices on the MarkVision Server, and then click the
Next arrow icon.
8 Select the type of command your Action will execute. For our example, click Send SMTP
E-mail, and then click the Next arrow icon.
9 In the SMTP Mail Server box, enter your SMTP Mail Server (mailserver.mycompany.com, for
example). In the From: box, enter your e-mail address. Click .
10 Compose your e-mail message.
• In the To: box, type the fictional paper@jam.com.
• If you want to carbon copy (Cc) someone, type the appropriate address in the Cc: box.
• For this example, type Paper Jam in the Subject: box.
• In the Body: box, type: There is a paper jam at: source.ipAddress, model:
source.model, and then click .
Note: Both source.ipAddress and source.model are Keywords. Select them from the
Keywords list and move them to the Body: box by clicking . The
source.ipAddress keyword contains the TCP/IP network address (if applicable) of
the print server to which the printer is attached. The source.model keyword
contains the model name of the printer. Many keywords are available in MarkVision