Getting started
the supported server that holds the least number of connections, allowing you faster access to MVP.
Clicking Hide Details will remove the server details from the display.
Once you have connected to a MarkVision Server, the setup wizard appears. Use the steps outlined
in the wizard to:
• Configure MarkVision Professional to your specific needs.
• Locate and organize devices across your network.
• Establish a device management strategy that lets you quickly begin working with MarkVision.
Note: To prevent MarkVision Professional from opening the setup screen at startup,
check the Do not show me this setup window again box.
If you are new to MarkVision Professional, completing these steps in the setup wizard will help you to
get the most out of what MarkVision has to offer. Depending on your needs, some steps may not be
1 Find your devices. Create device profiles and find printers and print servers on your
2 Organize your devices. The setup wizard provides a default set of installation folders that
you can install on your system, or you can use the Folder Configuration task to organize your
devices into folders based on criteria you choose.
3 Customize your device information. The setup wizard provides default sets of custom
tables and views, or you can use the Custom Views and Custom Tables tasks to customize
the ways that you view your devices.
• Creating custom tables. Use the Custom Tables task to create a table of specific device
information. A custom table can be exported as a comma separated variable (.csv) file,
which can be opened by spreadsheet or word processing software.
• Creating custom views. Use the Custom Views task to create multiple views that let you
view only the printer attributes you want to see.
4 Secure access to available information. Use the User Accounts and Groups task to grant
or restrict access to tasks and devices.
Managing your devices with MarkVision Professional
After you have configured MarkVision, you can begin exploring the powerful management features
that MarkVision has to offer.
• Using filters. Use the Filters task to create criteria filters that can be saved and applied to
• Using device policies. Use the Device Policy tasks to uniformly configure many devices at
• Scheduling tasks. Use the Scheduling task to schedule certain tasks.